Why a Scripture Fest?
If you lived centuries before today you would exist in a world with no printers. You would not have a phone in your pocket to take pictures with. You would have no easy way to store and pass on information. Anyone who wanted to share what they knew had to either convey it orally or copy it down by hand.
To preserve the Scripture for future generations the believers of those days had to collaborate and labor to write each word of the Bible with their own hands. The scribes of the Middle Ages not only copied each letter to the paper with ink, but also studied and quite often memorized the texts, writing God’s holy words on their minds and hearts.
In more modern times this practice has been virtually blotted out with the invention of the printing press.
But it is still true that ink fades, paper crumbles, and books burn.
What better way to keep the priceless Words of our Creator present with you than to commit them to memory? In accordance with the practices of the early church, and following their dedication to preserve the Scriptures and pass them on to others, we host an annual scripture festival. This celebration is a gathering of believers who come together to recite the Word of God written within.
What We Do
We host a one-day Scripture Fest in Northern Illinois that is a time of fellowship and worship for Christians who love the Word and want to proclaim it to the glory of the Author.